Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Thought on the Superhero

Ever wonder why we all love superhero movies? I think it’s because superhero movies remind us of how we wish we could be. In most movies they have a weakness that they must over come, and that's what makes them so great. They remind us that if we try hard enough, if we stand for what’s good, if we endure and fight with every fiber of our being for what’s right, then maybe we can overcome our weaknesses and then change the world.  
Sometimes we humans need something to hang on to. Sometimes we need a symbol to rally around or a cause to support. Sometimes we need something to place our faith in, something to hope for, something to hope in. And sometimes, we have to be that hope for someone else. Sometimes we have to face our fears and throw off the darkness that enshrouds us so that our own inner light can shine forth and be the beacon that points the direction for others. And as scary as that is, as hard as that may be, sometimes that’s what is required of us. Sometimes that is what we are meant to do. Sometimes that’s our destiny. Sometimes we can be the superhero just by inspiring those around us. So if there’s someone in your life that needs that hope, be that beacon for them. Show them what’s right. Inspire them! Be their hope, because if you won’t who else do they have?

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