Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A Thought On This Day.

On this day, a national tragedy occurred. Thousands of innocent lives were taken away in the blink of an instant.

On this day, America was hurt. We as a nation mourned the loss of so many lives to such a senseless act of violence. We joined the ranks of those touched by the hatred and darkness of terrorism.

On this day, we saw so many families destroyed. Children said goodbye to a mommy or daddy who wouldn’t be coming home. Husbands and wives kissed each other for the last time. Brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, friends, said a goodbye that none expected to be their last.

On this day, we were angry; angry at those that hurt us, angry and those who could have prevented it. Perhaps we were even angry at ourselves for not preparing for such a tragedy.

But, on this day, we learned what true sacrifice was. We learned what forgiveness was too. We learned what it meant to be the UNITED States of America, something we had perhaps forgotten. We remembered what it was to be proud. We remembered that our true strength lies not in arms or armaments, but in our capacity for compassion, and love for our fellow man.

On this day, we were reminded how precious our time on this Earth really is. We were reminded that no tomorrow is ever guaranteed. We once again learned to focus on what matters most.

On this day, we remember 343 of the Bravest, 8 of the Best, and 60 of the Finest. They will forever remain in our hearts and our memories. Their sacrifice will always serve as a testament to the eternal truth that love, courage, and a hope in the goodness of man will always triumph over any evil.

On this day, we reflect on who we were, and who we’ve become.

On this day, we resolve to never forget.

On this day, we remember.  

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