Thursday, January 5, 2012

Carpe Diem

We are where we are in life because of the choices we have made. Both good and bad. Are you who you want to be? Are you living up to your potential? What would our childhood selves think of what we have become? Have you lived life to the fullest? When we reach the end, will we be able to say; "I've done the very best I can?" You have one life to live and at times it can be frustrating, depressing, and down right hard, but its YOUR life! You make it what it is. No one else. Seize the opportunity! Go out and live your life! Today is a brand new day, a gift from the heavens to go out and do something wonderful, or kind, or charitable. Its an opportunity to have an adventure.  Its a fresh start and a new chance. Seize the day.

"I dare you to move."

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