Friday, January 13, 2012

A Thought on Standing for Something

I was reading a book entitled "Standing for Something" earlier today. One of the chapters is on honesty and integrity. These phrases might not mean much to some, but their importance could not be more paramount in the society in which we live. Far too often honor, virtue, integrity, and honesty are undermined and devalued by those whos' greed and lust for power demand the shortest possible route to "getting ahead," regardless of the consequences, the people they hurt, or the sacrifice of their own moral character. Fulfillment of personal desires become the all-consuming purpose of these peoples' lives. Promises are broken, character eroded, covenants shattered, families destroyed. Lies, greed, and lust become their cohorts. It is a never ending spiral downward into a life that is sure to be filled with heartbreak, despair, and mourning. Unfortunately the world we live in has made this type of life an all-too-possible reality for us all.  At our colleges and universities it has become almost expected for students to break underage drinking and illegal drug laws or to cheat on a test or two. At our businesses, it has become acceptable to cut corners in order to increase profit margins.  In our personal lives it has become OK to lie to our loved ones. Nearly daily the news services carry a story on some CEO or unscrupulous business man defrauding his company or his clients of money, or of some masked man holding up a store or bank. The picture is dark and bleak. It has been said that no man can be honest all the time. I disagree. It starts with an individual choice, a choice to stand for something! 

"Very Simply we cannot be less than honest, we cannot be less than true, we cannot be less than virtuous if we are to keep sacred the trust given us by those who have gone before us, or if we are to merit the trust and confidence of those with whom we live, work, and associate. Once it was said among our people that a man's word was as good as his bond. Shall any of us be less reliable, less honest than our fore bearers? Those who are dishonest with others canker their souls and soon learn that they cannot trust even themselves." -Gordon B. Hinckley "Standing for Something"

So my friends, stand for integrity and honesty, stand for honor and virtue. Stand for the truth and what is right. Plant your feet where you stand and refuse to yield even an inch to lies, deception, and greed. Seek after the good in life. When faced with a dilemma, always do the morally right thing, even if it isn't easy or popular. Be courageous in the fight for truth and justice. Be the person who's word really is as good as their bond, for if a man's word means nothing, of what worth is the man?

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