Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Unanswered prayers

The topic of unanswered prayers has been on my mind as of late. Its funny, I used to hope and pray, beg, plead, and negotiate for a particular outcome in matters that have arisen in my life. I used to believe that somehow, someway, if those outcomes could come to fruition, then my life would magically become happy, and that I would be fulfilled and satisfied. Well, as you can imagine, a lot of those prayers went unanswered, or so I believed. It now seems to me that had those prayers been answered in the way I'd wanted them to, I'd be a lot less happy than I am now. So, in a way, if happiness was what my prayers were truly about, then it seems as if they were indeed answered. Its a strange feeling to know that you were wrong about your own personal feelings and desires, but nonetheless, its one that I seem to be growing happily accustomed to. I guess these experiences are to become a testament to me of Divine wisdom.

"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

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