Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A thought on Freedom

The United States of America: Land of the free, and the home of the brave. Two Hundred and thirty six years ago a group of men signed a document that would change the course of the world: The Declaration of Independence. In my opinion, there are perhaps no greater words  ever penned than these:  “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. “ In those few words, those men ushered in a new era.  Until that moment, no nation had ever been founded upon principals of personal liberty, equality and freedom.  From its inception, America was created to be an example of what moral, honorable people could do when they built their lives on principals of fairness, honesty, truth, and justice.

Today, so many years later, what have we become? Our lives are so caught up in pop culture, fashion, money, gossip, sports, and the lives of celebrities. What have we done with the freedom that we’ve been blessed with? What happened to the America that used to exist? When did we stop dedicating ourselves to virtue, morals, integrity, honor, and freedom?  Every day the headlines are filled with the latest scandal involving some politician and his indiscretion, or some top CEO violating his sacred marital commitments, or some mass murderer continuing on his killing spree. What have we come to?  And yet, in spite of all our flaws, we are still free.  Thousands of men and women still stand up, fight, and sometimes die so that we can have our freedom.  Think about it. How do you honor their sacrifice?

Starting today, I know how I’m going to honor them. I’m going to be a part of America that deserves that freedom.  Starting today, I pledge my allegiance to the United States of America. I pledge myself to upholding the ideals imbedded in the Constitution. I pledge myself to working to make America as strong as ever. I pledge to make this America a nation not of liars and greed, but of philanthropists, volunteers, and humanitarians. I pledge myself to the American Cause. I pledge that my actions will always exhibit truth, honor, integrity, and virtue because I am an American, not in spite of it. 

Today is the Fourth of July, Independence Day.  On this day I would ask that anyone who reads this to reflect on the blessing that has been bestowed upon them to have the opportunity to call such a marvelous place home. Please remember our troops, who sacrifice so much for our freedom. Keep them in your prayers. I would also ask that you pray for our leaders, regardless of whether you believe in their policies or not, they need our support.  We are a nation of good. Let us remind the world how good we can be.

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