What if I told you that everything is going to be ok? What if
I told you that in spite of your fears, your doubts, and you worries,
everything was going to work out? What if I told you that you will get through the
trials you face? Because the truth is, you will. Everything is going to be ok. That I promise you.
There are no guarantees in this life except this: it goes
on. No one makes it through without scrapes and bruises and some of us wind up
with some pretty traumatic injuries, but that’s ok. It’s just a part of living,
of being alive. That is the price of experiencing what it’s like to live on
this earth, to feel all of the joy and the happiness, all of the love and the hope
and yes every once in a while, the pain and sorrow. And it’s such a small price
to pay!
Whatever trials you facing, I promise you this: they are
only temporary. They won’t last forever. In the end, good always wins out. The
light will always triumph over the darkness, love will always defeat hate, and
freedom will always overcome oppression. A lot of people see the world as a
dark and dreary place, filled with poverty, and violence, and hate. But in
reality, the world is a place filled with hope. The human race’s propensity for
good is so incredibly immense compared to the bad. Even in the darkest,
dreariest moments of our history, we find examples of good, honest people doing
what’s right simply because it’s the right thing to do, with no though or
expectation of reward. Take solace in that fact. Take solace in the fact that
we live in a world where absolutely anything is possible. Take solace in the
fact that you are a good person. Take solace in the face that tomorrow is a new
day, free from the worries and cares of today. I know your weary and
downtrodden, and that’s ok. Rest up this night and rise again tomorrow. A new
dawn, filled with hope, beckons. Rest easy.
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