Saturday, March 1, 2014

A Thought on the Meaning of Life

A lot of people have considered the question of “the meaning of life” as one of man’s greatest inquiries. And while I won’t discredit any of the great philosophers’ theories, I think I have stumbled upon the answer quite by accident. The meaning of life is love. Religious views aside, most of us would agree that we are here to be good, moral people. But I think that our obligation and purpose goes deeper than that.

I was in traffic the other day when I saw a young woman across the way, trying, quite futilely, to push her very obviously broken down car out of traffic. Before I had a chance to turn around and help her, a homeless man who was selling papers in the median, what appeared to be a business man in a suit, and a gentleman out for a bicycle ride had all stopped to help her. The cause of love, through service, had brought them all together. It was such an amazing thing to watch unfold.

That’s what life is about: love.

 As humans, it is in our nature to do good, to help one another, to provide hope to others in this dark world. And we are put here to do just that; to lift the down trodden, clothe the naked, feed the hungry, and love those in need.  It’s quite simple, and yet amazingly beautiful and elegant all at the same time.

Or it could just be 42…. I guess we will never know. 

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